Wall Works Studio

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Wall Works Studio had its beginning over twenty years ago when my husband suggested I paint a mural in our children’s room…

Several years after earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts’ degree from the Cleveland Institute of Art I was still unsure of how to apply my abilities in a satisfying and practical way. I had sold my work at regional art shows, but working in one particular style in order to meet show requirements soon began to feel too restrictive.

…So I painted that first mural for my own boys, and then went on to paint a mural for a friend, and then a friend of a friend, and so on.  It quickly became apparent that doing commissioned work posed the kind of challenges that I craved as an artist.  It also afforded me the opportunity to explore many different mediums, styles and techniques in order to fulfill each client’s vision.

I have had the great privilege of working with many enthusiastic clients and talented interior designers over the years.  Being charged to do such a wide variety of projects, from graphic work to naturescapes, architectural drawings to fantasy scenes and oil portraits, keeps me on my toes.  Every collaboration sparks new ideas and affords me the opportunity to explore. Even when repeating a favorite theme, I will always search for a unique interpretation. As a result, it is my hope that I can bring something especially suited to each space I am asked to enhance. As a reward I get the joy of learning something new with every project I do.

                                                                   Kim Colarik